Our website xlinesoft.com was down from May 24, 2019 to May 30, 2019.

First, I noticed that I cannot logon to our online helpdesk. Then the website itself started showing ads that we never had. We assumed that our server was hacked but it turned out it simply points to a different IP address now. Hacker downloaded a static copy of our website, added some ads and tried to make some money via AdSense.

I tried to logon to GoDaddy account and check DNS settings. The login didn’t work and the password reset email never arrived. Our account at GoDaddy was hacked and attackers сhanged domain name ownership data. I was relieved though, dealing with GoDaddy should be easier than negotiating with a hacker, right?

Continue Reading "How I (almost) lost my domain name and how Bitcoin saved the day"

In this article we will show you how to generate PDF invoices on the web server side. We use this approach to generate and email billing reminders to our customers.

1. Download NodeJS to the web server. For Windows choose 64-bit MSI installer.

2. Run and install keeping all default settings.

3. Inside your project create a new folder named pdfmake.

Continue Reading "Generate PDF files using NodeJS and PDFMake"

By Jerry Adach, Director Enterprise Data and Automation, Central Maine Healthcare

ASPRunner.Net is, in my opinion, the best software on the market to build secure, role-based data driven workflows and complex reports and dashboards.

Over the years, we started to use more and more stored procedures to be called by custom buttons and table events. It seemed to be more efficient having SQL Server handle some of the heavy lifting and more complicated tasks.

Now we are using another platform to perform some heavy lifting and adding brand new capabilities.

Our talented Lead RPA Developer, Michael DiPoffi, wrote some custom class files that we could easily integrate into ASPRunner.Net. We can now call APIs that will initiate automated workflows, passing parameters from the app to the enterprise RPA (Robotic Process Automation) execution server via normal table events and custom buttons. The class files also retrieve responses from the server to ensure it was successfully executed. This is a game changer.

Since in my organization, Automation, Enterprise Data and App Development are all under one area of IT, this was inevitable.

Continue Reading "Low-code and RPA automation"

An old programmer’s saying, coined by Jamie Zawinski, says “Every program attempts to expand until it can read mail”. Jokes aside, email was and still is an integral part of our lives, and every web application needs to send emails to its users. This guide will walk you through all the steps to ensure every single email-sending aspect is covered. This is going to be a long article and we plan to update it often. Here are the topics, that will be covered in this…Continue Reading “A Complete Guide to Sending Emails with a Web-based Application”

People often ask us this: “I found a great-looking theme on the Internet, how do I import it into PHPRunner or ASPRunner.NET”. The problem is that all themes are implemented differently, there is no standard they follow and they cannot be “imported”. However, it is possible to make your project look exactly like any of those themes and this article will teach you how to do this.

For the inspiration, we will be using Material Dashboard Dark Edition theme by Creative Tim. Here is how it looks:

Continue Reading "How to create a beautiful dashboard theme"

When you have a long List page with dozens of records, editing or viewing a record on a separate can be cumbersome. After you edit or view a record, clicking ‘Back to List’ will display all the records from the top and you lost the position of the record you just edited. This simple technique will allow you to scroll the List page back to the original position and also it will highlight the record that was just edited or viewed. To implement this feature…Continue Reading “How to scroll List page to the record that was edited”

PHPRunner and ASPRunner.NET 10.8 are here!

Trial version download links

If you purchased PHPRunner or ASPRunner.NET less than 12 months ago, proceed to the control panel and download the registered version 10.8 there under ‘My purchases’. Use ‘Reg info’ link next to your latest purchase.

This new version features the following improvements:

1. New dashboards look and customization options

There are many ways to configure and style dashboards in version 10.8. This is just one of them.

Continue Reading "Version 10.8"

So you want to know how much time users spend on any specific page of your web application? This article explains how to log what pages your users visit and how much time they spend on each page. This kind of data can provide valuable insight into what forms of your application are too complicated and need to be split into several smaller forms. Or if they keep coming back to the welcome page this may mean your navigation inside the app can be improved.

Continue Reading "Tracking visitors behaviour in your web application"

Task – implement custom grid display in PHPRunner or ASPRunner.NET applications on mobile screens. The idea is to use the same HTML and achieve our goal using CSS only.

CSS Grid layout is nothing new and excellent tutorials are available on the web for those who want to learn more. In this article we will only cover all the relevant details to PHPRunner and ASPRunner.NET.

In this article, we will be using our Forum template as an example of using CSS Grid Layout.

Desktop version

Here is where we start. Just a regular desktop grid with all database fields occupying their own cell.

Continue Reading "Using CSS grid for mobile screens – a complete tutorial"

This is an example of work we did for one of our clients. This kind of approach will work with any AnyChart chart that PHPRunner and ASPRunner.NET do not support directly. Here is how you can approach this kind of task.

A Scatter chart is a graph that represents the relationship between two variables in a data set. Normally data is stored in the database as a set of (x,y) pairs. Here is the end result our client was looking for.

Continue Reading "Building a connected scatter chart"