Resource Calendar - manage your resources the easy way
The Resource Calendar template displays calendar data (events, appointments, or bookings) for multiple resources (people, rooms, cars, tools) side by side. The resources are displayed as rows and can be grouped.
You can get this template for $50.
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Live demo
If you are already own ResourceCalendar template v1 or v2 you can upgrade to version 3 for $25.
Resource Calendar view
Drag-n-drop and resize
Date range selection
Hourly view
Changes history
Version 3 - March 2021
- Drag-n-drop events
- Resize events with your mouse
- Optional labels on all events
- Ready to be translated to other languages
Version 2 - November 2020
- Flexible scheduling intervals: 15 minutes, 30 minutes, one hour etc
- Flexible start/end hours
- Customizable weekend days
Version 1 - April 2020
- Resource Calendar timeline view
- Settings (colors, tooltips fields, timeline size) etc
Live demo
To see how it works proceed to live demo project and open sign up for an account. By default each user sees their own cards only.
Enter live demo
System requirements
- Version 10.91 or better of PHPRunner, ASPRunner.NET or ASPRunnerPro
- Supported databases are MySQL, Oracle, MS Access, SQL Server and Postgre