ToDo List template - organize your projects in fun way

This template uses a Kanban board layout to help you visualize your tasks and to-do lists in an intuitive way. Mark tasks as complete simply by dragging them to the "Done" list. Be that vacation packing list or planning an event or launching a website - this template can help you get things done. This template is completely customizable, check all extensibility options in Frequently Asked Questions.

You can get this template for $50.

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If you are already own ToDo List template v1 you can upgrade to version 2 for $25.

Screenshots and live demos

Calendar view
GANTT view

Changes history

Version 2 - February 2020

  • Added Calendar view
  • Added GANTT view

Version 1 - November 2019

  • Kanban-based to do list
  • Multiple boards
  • Drag-n-drop lists and to do items

Live demo

To see how it works proceed to live demo project and open sign up for an account. By default each user sees their own cards only.

Enter live demo

System requirements

  • A valid license of version 10.91 or better of PHPRunner, ASPRunner.NET or ASPRunnerPro
  • Supported databases are MySQL, Oracle, MS Access, SQL Server and Postgre

Frequently asked questions

Can I add more fields to the card like Due Date or Priority?

Yes! You can add more fields to todocards table, add those new fields to the Edit page of this table and they will appear in your application.

How can I change the view of the single card?

Proceed to Editor->Custom files and modify todolist_custom.php file. In ASPRunner.NET this file name is todolist_custom.cs and in ASPRunnerPro it is todolist_custom.asp. Here is the example that displays DueDate field as a second line if this field is not empty.



And here is how it looks in generated application:

How's to perform some actions after creating or editing?

We got you covered here too. There are custom events that are executed after a new card is created, edited or moved to another list. You can see all of them in the same todolist_custom file.

Set default priority and category of the new card

This code should go to afterCardCreated function. Note that priority field doesn't exist in todocards table and needs to be added manually if you need this functionality.



Send an email when a card is moved from one list to another

For this purpose we are going to add our code to afterMoveCard function.

