The main difference no-code and low-code applications is that you can easily extend low-code applications by adding your own code. This gives you both power and responsibility and we are going to talk about some typical mistakes people do while adding their own code.

Let me show you an example of the code one our clients were using in BeforeLogin event:

Can you tell what is wrong here? If not, keep reading.

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When you build a public-facing application you need to make sure it looks sharp. In this article, we’ll show you a few ideas of how you can make PHPRunner and ASPRunner.NET projects look unique.

List page grid

Let’s start with the grid on the List page. As an example, we will be using a recently updated News template that comes with PHPRunner and ASPRunner.NET. We want to draw attention to the very first element, making it bigger than others.

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Welcome to DevQuest! We have built a little quest that is both fun and educational and dedicated to the topic of web development. There are eight questions total. Most of them are quite simple but some will require a bit of thinking. All of these questions can be answered with the help of your web browser and developer tools. We recommend using Google Chrome and Chrome Developer Tools but other browsers offer similar functionality.

You would need to view the page source, use Javascript console, use the Network tab in Developer Tools, use colorpicker etc. Your web browser is all you need.

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Version 10.7 of PHPRunner and ASPRunner.NET is here!

Trial version download links

If you purchased PHPRunner or ASPRunner.NET less than 12 months ago, proceed to the control panel and download the registered version 10.7 there under ‘My purchases’. Use ‘Reg info’ link next to your latest purchase.

This new version features the following improvements:
1. Files upload to cloud providers: Google Drive, OneDrive, Amazon S3, Dropbox
2. Notification API

Let’s dig into new functionality.

Files upload to cloud providers

When you set ‘Edit as’ type of the field to File/Image you now have an option to choose one of the cloud storage options.

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Let’s say you need to provide users temporary access to your application. You create a user, set their access to ‘temporary’ and after 24 hours they should not be able to log on to your application. And, of course, you need this to happen automatically. 1. Add two more fields to the login table. access – varchar(50). This field will store values like “temporary” or “inactive”. It can be left empty for existing users. temporary_access_starts – datetime. Indicates when the temporary access starts. 2. Add…Continue Reading “Providing temporary access to your application”

In this article, we’ll show you how to retrieve a list of files from Google Drive via REST API and display those files in your PHPRunner or ASPRunner.NET application. This is how it looks in the generated application. The list of files is retrieved from Google Drive and displayed in your own application. In this test app, we only implemented search and view functionality, but adding and deleting files can be done as well.

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Some web applications need to provide quick access to certain pages or documents. For instance, you can share a file via such a link or send a link to an invoice to be paid to your customer like the one on the screenshot below. Let’s see how you can implement this kind of link in your own project. The key is to create add a new text field to the table with invoices or documents that will store a long unique record identifier which will…Continue Reading “Providing access to web application via unique link”

PHPRunner and ASPRunner.NET v10.6 are here!

Trial version download links

If you purchased PHPRunner or ASPRunner.NET less than one year ago you can logon to the control panel and download the registered version of the software there.

What’s new in this version

1. New security providers in version 10.6

New security providers: Azure AD, OKTA, SAML, OpenID. An option to combine multiple security providers i.e. you can use Active Directory together with database-based security.

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Low-code software builders will take off your hands most boring and repetitive tasks, which includes the security of your web application. Apps, created by PHPRunner and ASPRunner.NET follow all the security standards and secure out of the box. Your projects will be protected from SQL injection, XSS, CSRF, and more. If you’d like to know more about the most common web application vulnerabilities check OWASP Top Ten Security Risks. In this article, we will discuss additional security measures that are not directly related to the generated code but nevertheless are extremely important. If you ever need to build a public web application you need to go through this checklist and make sure your application complies.

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