PHPRunner 9.8, ASPRunnerPro 9.8 and ASPRunner.NET 9.8 is here! If you purchased or upgraded PHPRunner, ASPRunnerPro or ASPRunner.NET less than one year ago logon to control panel at and find download links and registration keys under ‘My purchases’. There should be ‘Reg info’ link next to your latest upgrade purchase. New customer purchase links: PHPRunner ASPRunnerPro ASPRunner.NET Upgrade links: PHPRunner ASPRunnerPro ASPRunner.NET Trial version download links: Here is the list of new features in version 9.8. 1. Tabs and additional WHERE on List…Continue Reading “PHPRunner 9.8, ASPRunnerPro 9.8 and ASPRunner.NET 9.8 is here!”

The code base for the MS SQL server of version 7 was initially sold by the original company Sybase SQL server to the software giant of the cyber space Microsoft. It was the first entry of the Microsoft Company to the database market at the enterprise level. The objective was to compete against other companies like IBM and ORACLE. It was actually Microsoft, Sybase and the Adaptive that originally formed a team to create and launch the very first version of the SQL server 1.0…Continue Reading “All about the History of SQL Server”

PHPRunner 9.7, ASPRunnerPro 9.7 and ASPRunner.NET 9.7 released!

New customer purchase links:

Upgrade links:

Trial version download links:

Here is the list of new features in version 9.7.

1. Improved password hashing

Option to use industry standard bcrypt hashing algorithm. Send password reset link to user’s email, link expires in 24 hours.

Continue Reading "Version 9.7 of PHPRunner, ASPRunnerPro and ASPRunner.NET"

PHPRunner 9.6, ASPRunnerPro 9.6, ASPRunner.NET 9.6 released (November 10th, 2016).

If you purchased or upgraded PHPRunner, ASPRunner.NET or ASPRunnerPro after November 10, 2015 this update is free of charge for you. Logon to control panel at and find download links and registration keys under ‘My purchases’. If you do not have a help desk account yet create a new one using the same email address you have used to place the order.

Trial version download links

‘Buy now’ pages




Upgrade pages




Important: if you purchased PHPRunner, ASPRunnerPro or ASPRunner.NET before November 10th 2015 you have till November 20th, 2016 to use discounted upgrade option. After November 20th, 2016 you will have to purchase software at the full price. Do not miss your chance to upgrade for less.

‘Update selected’ feature

This is a long awaited feature that allows you quickly makes changes to multiple records. You can choose fields to appear on ‘Update selected’ dialog. Depending on Edit page settings ‘Update selected’ page can be shown either in popup or as a separate page.

Continue Reading "PHPRunner 9.6, ASPRunner.NET 9.6, ASPRunnerPro 9.6 released"

In this new version we are providing an easy way to display any page in Bootstrap popup window. Welcome, Runner.displayPopup() function.

The simplest form is really simple. There is only one mandatory parameter, URL of the page to be displayed. You can use this function anywhere you can use Javascript code i.e. in Javascript OnLoad event or ClientBefore event of custom button.

Here is how you can display Add page of Products table in popup:

Runner.displayPopup( { 
	url: "products_add.php"

Continue Reading "Displaying a popup in PHPRunner 9.0, ASPRunnerPro 9.5, ASPRunner.NET 9.0"

PHPRunner 9 adds an option to build and package desktop applications as well as web applications. In this article we’ll try to answer most common questions and explain what PHPRunner desktop applications can and can not do.

How it works

First of all, Desktop apps functionality is built on the top of wonderful open source PHP Desktop project. PHP Desktop packages together the following software components:

  • web server (Mongoose)
  • PHP
  • Chrome browser
Continue Reading "Desktop applications with PHPRunner"

This is a just for fun PHPRunner project similar to one we built for World Cup 2014. Check this live demo first.

This project requires PHPRunner 9.0. Yes, there is a desktop app for this project. Download it, install it, run it and enjoy. Ignore the security warning, we didn’t sign this one yet.

This project uses live Euro 2016 data provided by in JSON format. PHPRunner project makes the use of this data and if will not work if they website is down for any reason.

Continue Reading "Displaying EURO 2016 data with PHPRunner"

In PHPRunner 9, ASPRunner.NET 9.0 and ASPRunnerPro 9.5 we are switching to new version of charting components: AnyChart 7. What does this mean for you as a user?

  • AnyChart 7 is Javascript based. No more Flash charts, works out of the box on all devices
  • AnyChart 7 provides better user experience, more functionality, better looking charts
  • We are adding ChartModify event that would allow you to tweak charts appearance and behaviour in endless ways. You can copy and paste basically any example from AnyChart manual as is.

Below are a few examples of how you can use ChartModify event.

Add horizontal scroller

var currentScroller = chart.xScroller();

Add horizontal scroller and set initial zoom to 50%

Continue Reading "New charting functionality: AnyChart 7 support"

Web applications generated by PHPRunner, ASPRunner.NET or ASPRunnerPro communicate with databases via means of SQL queries. Whenever you search, edit or delete data your web application issues a series of SQL queries, gets results back and displays it on the web page. Understanding the basics of SQL will help you build better apps and find errors faster.

Our code generators come will handy option to display all SQL queries application executes. For this purpose you can add the following line of code to AfterApplicationInitialized event:

In PHPRunner

$dDebug = true;
Continue Reading "Troubleshooting SQL queries"

PHPRunner 9.0, ASPRunnerPro 9.5, ASPRunner.NET 9.0 released (July 22nd, 2016).

Trial version download links

‘Buy now’ pages




Upgrade pages




Important: if you purchased PHPRunner, ASPRunnerPro or ASPRunner.NET before July 1st 2015 you have till September 1st, 2016 to use discounted upgrade option. After September 1st, 2016 you will have to purchase software at the full price. Do not miss your chance to upgrade for less.

Bootstrap templates and themes

New version comes with 15 Bootstrap themes and you can add your own. Where to find best Bootstrap themes

Continue Reading "PHPRunner 9.0, ASPRunnerPro 9.5, ASPRunner.NET 9.0 released"