I would like to thank everyone participated in this contest.
All images are clickable and point to live previews.
Author: Theodosia Karagianni
Building the best web application builder, one byte at the time
I would like to thank everyone participated in this contest.
All images are clickable and point to live previews.
Author: Theodosia Karagianni
Win cash prizes creating new application themes The contestants are asked to submit themes created in PHPRunner/ASPRunner Style Editor. Contest rules To participate in the contents simply create a unique theme using ASPRunner or PHPRunner. The contest will start on September 15th, 2011 and run until September 23th, 2011. Our judging panel will determine the best themes. The winners will be announced on the website and via email newsletter on September 26th, 2011. We are looking for creativity and originality as well as themes that…Continue Reading “Theme Design Contest”
Quiz template includes both PHP (MySQL) and ASP (MS Access) versions.
ReportsMaestro is a Web-based report and chart builder that supports all major databases.
Mobile template allows you to build mobile version of your web application (requires PHPRunner 6 or ASPRunnerPro 7).
For all those who are patiently waiting for a new version to be released – we will have PHPRunner 6/ASPRunnerPro 7 beta available July 12th-15th. We apologize for prolonged wait.
As you remember this new version features Style Editor, Mobile Template and easily customizable layouts. I’d love to present a few examples of interfaces customized in Style Editor (all images are clickable).
Note buttons and panels shape, gradient backgrounds and different border types.
Continue Reading "PHPRunner 6/ASPRunnerPro 7 beta is almost there"Many developers have the need to work collaboratively on the same ASPRunnerPro or PHPRunner project. In this tutorial I’ll show how to make this happen with almost no effort. We are going to utilize the power of version control system (VCS). Version or revision control systems track and provide control over the changes to the source code. The most popular VCS systems nowadays are Subversion, Git, Mercurial and Bazaar. We plan to use Subversion (SVN) which is easy to get started with. I’ll cover the…Continue Reading “Best practices: multiple developers working on the same project”
We are on the verge of releasing a next version of PHPRunner/ASPRunnerPro that style editor and revamped templates. We will be completely separating the HTML from CSS (separating layout from appearance) which will simplify to a great extent the development of new and adaption of existing templates. In the new version all users, from novice to advanced developers, will be able to build and finally share their own templates. We are planning on launching a templates marketplace (codename RunnerExchange) similar to Apple AppStore where you…Continue Reading “A few thoughts on Templates Marketplace”
This article explains how the Quiz Template works in great details. It can help you better understand the inner workings of this template and provide the guidance you need in designing your own.
Purchase Quiz template for $25.
Lets start with database design. In this tutorial we use MySQL database.
In this article we will cover all the aspects of creating multilingual websites with the help of PHPRunner. This process includes the following steps: Translation of system messages Translation of table/field names and custom labels Translation of data from the database Translation of system messages First of all, you need to define the language(s) of standard texts in the website interface or “system messages”. On the Miscellaneous page you can choose one or more languages which your website will support. Use the Language drop-down box…Continue Reading “Localizing PHPRunner/ASPRunnerPro applications”
In this tutorial we are going to use an excellent jQuery Masked Input plugin by Josh Bush.
You can expand the functionality of the web applications built by ASPRunner and PHPRunner by adding ASP and PHP code. Depending on your business needs and the type of data you need to access you can use any of the following 4 vehicles: Events Button View as: Custom Insert PHP/ASP Code Snippet Each extension method serves its own specific purpose and choosing the right tool for the job might be a daunting task. I will describe each of these tools in greater detail and then…Continue Reading “Taming the beast: Events, Buttons and Code snippets”