This tutorial shows how to use conditional formatting in PHPRunner/ASPRunnerPro projects.

Our first example illustrates the profitability of the product line where we have a list of products with their respective monthly profit figures. All positive numbers are displayed in black and all negative in red. Changing the font color of this field based on its value helps the viewer immediately spot the losing products and take necessary actions.

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Tips on what others are looking for… Do you need to know how to program? Is it an all-in-one application package? Does it offer a free trial? Does it have a simple, user friendly wizard-style interface? Does it have an easy to use PHP form generator? Does it have multiple search modes make finding simple and fast? Can you quickly and efficiently add, delete, copy, edit, and view pages? Will you be able to easily modify code you create? Does it offer Administration and Tracking?…Continue Reading “What is PHP? – Tips on what others are looking for and How to Choose a PHP Code Generator”

What is PHP? PHP (PHP: Hypertext Processor) is a scripting language used by programmers and was created in 1995, by Rasmus Lerdorf. The original purpose of PHP was to design vigorous, active websites capable of changing; A.K.A. dynamic websites having the ability to control a single or multiple software applications. PHP has evolved over time to interact effectively with standalone graphical applications and to successfully include CLI – command line interface capability; a device that interacts with a computer’s software and operating system with typed…Continue Reading “What is PHP? – Tips on what others are looking for and How to Choose a PHP Code Generator”

PHPRunner builds visually appealing web interface for popular databases. Your web site visitors will be able to easily search, add, edit, delete and export data in MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, MS Access, and Postgre databases. PHPRunner is easy to learn so you can build your first web site in just fifteen minutes. July, 2009 PHPRunner 5.1/ASPRunnerPro 6.1 updated (build 2503) – added PHP 5.3 support (PHPRunner only) – fixed Decimal type support in reports – fixed Demo Account publishing via password-enabled proxy