Database-based dropdowns with Dialog API

ASP.NET, PHP, Tutorials

Quite a few people asked how to extend Dialog API by adding dropdown boxes populated by the database content. Since Dialog API is Javascript based there will be a little trick that would help us retrieve the data from the database on the server-side and pass it to Javascript.

Final result:

Let’s take a look at the sample Dialog API code with the dropdown:

return Runner.Dialog( {
       title: 'Preferences',
       fields: [{
               name: 'color',
           type: 'lookup',
                 value: 2,
       ok: 'Save',
       cancel: 'Cancel',
beforeOK: function( popup, controls ) {
swal('Success', 'Selected color: ' + controls[0].val(), 'success');

As you can see, we hardcode data in the lookup wizard, passing a two-dimensional array (id and value for each entry).


Now let’s do our magic. The following code goes to the BeforeDisplay event of the page where we will be using Dialog API.

PHP code:

$lookup = array();
$rs = DB::Query("select id, color from carsbcolor");
while( $data = $rs->fetchAssoc() )
$row = array();
$row[] = $data["id"];
$row[] = $data["color"];
$lookup[] = $row;
$pageObject->setProxyValue("lookup", $lookup);

C# code:

dynamic lookup, rs, row, data;
lookup = XVar.Clone(XVar.Array());
rs = XVar.Clone(DB.Query(new XVar("select id, color from carsbcolor")));
while(XVar.Pack(data = XVar.Clone(rs.fetchAssoc())))
	row = XVar.Clone(XVar.Array());
	row.InitAndSetArrayItem(data["id"], null);
	row.InitAndSetArrayItem(data["color"], null);
	lookup.InitAndSetArrayItem(row, null);
pageObject.setProxyValue(new XVar("lookup"), (XVar)(lookup));
return null;

You can see that we execute a SQL query, loop through results, populate an array with data and then pass to Javascript using setProxyValue function.

Now here is the updated Dialog API code.

return Runner.Dialog( {
       title: 'Preferences',
       fields: [{
                name: 'color',
		label: 'What is your favorite color?',
		type: 'lookup',
                value: 2,
		options: proxy['lookup']
       ok: 'Save',
       cancel: 'Cancel',
beforeOK: function( popup, controls ) {
swal('Success', 'Selected color: ' + controls[0].val(), 'success');

This code is even cleaner now than the previous version. Instead of the hardcoded dropdown entries we just use proxy[‘lookup’] and voilà!


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