Quite a few people asked how to extend Dialog API by adding dropdown boxes populated by the database content. Since Dialog API is Javascript based there will be a little trick that would help us retrieve the data from the database on the server-side and pass it to Javascript.
Let’s take a look at the sample Dialog API code with the dropdown:
return Runner.Dialog( { title: 'Preferences', fields: [{ name: 'color', type: 'lookup', value: 2, options: [ [1,'red'], [2,'green'], [3,'yellow'] ] }], ok: 'Save', cancel: 'Cancel', beforeOK: function( popup, controls ) { swal('Success', 'Selected color: ' + controls[0].val(), 'success'); } });
As you can see, we hardcode data in the lookup wizard, passing a two-dimensional array (id and value for each entry).
options: [ [1,'red'], [2,'green'], [3,'yellow'] ]
Now let’s do our magic. The following code goes to the BeforeDisplay event of the page where we will be using Dialog API.
PHP code:
$lookup = array(); $rs = DB::Query("select id, color from carsbcolor"); while( $data = $rs->fetchAssoc() ) { $row = array(); $row[] = $data["id"]; $row[] = $data["color"]; $lookup[] = $row; } $pageObject->setProxyValue("lookup", $lookup);
C# code:
dynamic lookup, rs, row, data; lookup = XVar.Clone(XVar.Array()); rs = XVar.Clone(DB.Query(new XVar("select id, color from carsbcolor"))); while(XVar.Pack(data = XVar.Clone(rs.fetchAssoc()))) { row = XVar.Clone(XVar.Array()); row.InitAndSetArrayItem(data["id"], null); row.InitAndSetArrayItem(data["color"], null); lookup.InitAndSetArrayItem(row, null); } pageObject.setProxyValue(new XVar("lookup"), (XVar)(lookup)); return null;
You can see that we execute a SQL query, loop through results, populate an array with data and then pass to Javascript using setProxyValue function.
Now here is the updated Dialog API code.
return Runner.Dialog( { title: 'Preferences', fields: [{ name: 'color', label: 'What is your favorite color?', type: 'lookup', value: 2, options: proxy['lookup'] }], ok: 'Save', cancel: 'Cancel', beforeOK: function( popup, controls ) { swal('Success', 'Selected color: ' + controls[0].val(), 'success'); } });
This code is even cleaner now than the previous version. Instead of the hardcoded dropdown entries we just use proxy[‘lookup’] and voilà!
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