Customer quotes

I am a former Chief Technology Officer and managed 57 locations around the world and I have also developed at various levels in several languages. I left the corporate world in 2012 and opened my photography studio full time. Over the course of the past 15 years I have used products from Xlinesoft to create application solutions ranging from simple event registration tracking to complex studio management systems. The Xlinesoft products ASPRunner Pro, PHPRunner and various templates have saved me a tremendous amount of time allowing me time to focus on the heart of my application design. The XLinesoft team are professional and fully knowledgeable on their products and are very helpful in guiding you through issues you may have with setup, use and generation of your projects. Sergey and the Xlinesoft team are wonderful to work with and have the skills and expertise to answer any question you have.

Randy Brogen

I am just evaluating the .net version of ASPRunner. Seems great so far, getting very excited about what we'll be able to do with this. I've got it working and quering one of our SQL server databases.

Marcus A Young

Ease of use, and it works with my existing SQL and Access databases seamlessly and smoothly.

Clarence Chow
Database developer

I created with ASPRunnerPro here by Otis Belgium some real good apps/tools, all for intern use.

- a catalog with parts for elevators, travolators & escalators - more than 135.000 parts - +- 45.000 photo's

- a Customer Satisfaction Survey Information system, with scores, analyses and follow up by escalation procedures on score basis.

(+-7.000 survey's yearly)

- a T and OM work planning tool

- a billing callback follow up system

- a warehouse keeping tool

- a paperless office system

- a phone book

and other useful tools/apps.

Eric Van Dam
Otis, Belgium

As PHPRunner subscribers since v2.0 we highly appreciated the v5.2 introduction by Nov. 2010 and the new features like e.g. RECORD LOCKING on row basis and REAL-TIME 3D CHARTING (1 minute +), just to name a few.

The built-in VISUAL EDITOR allows to either import WORD file formatted contract text without the need of hours of re-formatting to let it be visually indentical with the source file plus the ability to simply scratch template based content as wished is that very design flexiblity we need to show up with interactive web content, up and running in less than 15 minutes.

HJ Berger

Let me take this opportunity to tell you that I have been using this for a couple years now and it has been fantastic. I have built more sites, including some very large sites in excess of 3-4000 files built and over 140 tables in the DB. It has just worked so well and I have learned so much from it. There is nothing out there like this and what is out there does not compare. PHPrunner has saved so much which as you know
is worth much money.


ASPRunner is the first tool I have seen that, out-of-the-box, provides everything MS Access promised in web pages, but didn't deliver. Truly a well-thought out product that has streamlined our internal processes with very little coding effort.

Lisa Hanges

PHPRunner is probably the best PHP generator on the market. I have tried about three prior to stumbling on this tool and I can tell you none equal or compare to this product.

Pedro Ruiz
Database Manager

East Meets West Productions, LLC simply loves XLineSoft! PHPRunner is the best databasing product on the market. Going from concept to proto-typing is now a matter of hours instead of days or weeks. The ability to show the client a working "vision" and get immediate feedback has been paramount to our success. The boss doesn't even ask if something is possible anymore she just knows that if it's a database it can go online!

Douglas R. Burrell

What I needed to do was build a members log in area for a web site that the user could update as new people joined. He wanted this done in two days. With not much time I downloaded this software and had the lot done in under 3 min. Normal time for this would be about 5 days and even then you would still be debuging your scripts.

Richard Murray
Web developer

This software has a simple interface but generates robust applications. For developers beginners like me, its assistant is very comfortable. And once you start to learn more about the software, very interesting developments can be done. Of course, it does not replace the knowledge of the developer; nothing can replace that knowledge, but it supports it. Furthermore, it is remarkable not only the software but also the support provided by the author of the software. In my opinion, PHPRunner is highly recommended that deserves at least be tested.

Ricardo Navas

Very, very impressed and so impressed I purchased this morning. We were looking to purchase IronSpeed only found it a tad over kill to both our budget and requirement. Your product is pitched well and works to expectation. You've got a very happy customer.

Ian Gowen
Ferranti Technologies Ltd.

It worked when i tried the demo, tech support is outstanding.

Martin Demarest
Finger Lakes Webs

Easy of use and it worked first time, when demoing it. Unlike some other products, you try them and they don't seem to work. ASPRunner worked from the demo trial onwards. The forum is also very quick and helpful with issues.

Laith Bilbeisi

Not being a web-designer (just a database designer), I started out looking to "convert" an extensive SQL database that used Access Forms into a web-site. I went through several "tools" I found on the Internet... with discouraging results. My luck changed when I found ASPRunner !! It was easy enough to create the 'form' pages from scratch!! I've recommended it to many and will continue to do so. Not only is the tool intuitive and flexible,... the support is wonderful!! THANK YOU!!!

Rita DiOrio

Thank you very much for your great help. Your program is awsome and the best developper tool I used in the last thirty years! It is simple, intuitif, powerfull and very very fast. In ten minutes you build a full database driven website with it. The visual editor is also very usefull and powerfull.

Thanks again, and continue the great job!

Toon Hoendervangers
BATC Netherlands

I chose ASPRunner partly due to how quickly I created something that worked with the free download. I chose ASPRunner because I saw in the forum that the product was very well supported.

The forums are active and filled with real-life questions as well as easy to understand and implement answers.

Chris Miller

I've been using PHPRunner since 2010 and have deployed many database applications for my clients and my own companies. What I am most happy about is the flexibility to accommodate all of our business requirements like custom coding and reading emails. Since most of what we need is accommodated by PHPRunner out of the box, customizations are fairly rare. Lastly, the support I receive is always important when I need it, and your team always sticks with me until my problem is resolved. This is critical to the successful deployment of my applications. Thanks for your great products and support!

Michael Cordova

Been using your ASPRunner Pro lately at home and have created several fully featured sites for 2 organizations. Thanks for a great product, it really did make the job almost effortless!

Ralph Gavin

I have to comment on PHPrunner , I haven't written code in years, so I tried a few other generators and always found myself getting hung up somewhere on things they just couldn't deliver or terrible support, or non industry standard output. Then I found PHPrunner, I have had my copy for little over a week now and already have created a very impression building service desk application, only have reports and charts left to do.

Thank you so much. You guys ROCK!

Ray Lee
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

I must say I am truly impressed with your phpRunner product. I have been looking for something like this for months. I had given up all hope and was had started to write the code myself when I stumbled upon phprunner in the website while looking for php-MySQL code snipits. I figured I had nothing to lose and downloaded phprunner, and after only 10-15 minutes I had my search php code up-and-running with professional results. This is such a code-pleaser.

Jack Loucks
Bytown Railway Society

I walked in to my supervisors office and said, "I don't ask for much, but this I have to have. Weeks of hand coding reduced to minutes."

Bob Clarke

Phprunner is the most comprehensive yet simple-to-use front-end development tool I could find (assuming a basic knowledge of database design). It's intuitive GUI takes care of so many things I didn't even think of, without the need for coding, and is enjoyable to use. It produces a professional looking and high-quality database front-end website in a minimum amount of time. Well worth the money in terms of it being a quality tool, well-documented, and what it allows you to create.

Grant Richardson
Hong Kong

It is a wonderful product and was selected and purchased after evaluating about 15 other similar products. The other products didn't even come close to PHPRunner is what was advertised and most were quite buggy.

Arnold Murray
Web programmer

I think that I have noted this before but thought that it would be good to do so again. ASPRunner has been very useful for me. I actually bought and purchase upgrades for 2 copies of ASPRunner. It has actually expanded both my day and side work. As a novice ASP coder, it took quite a while to write new applications that were far less sophisticated before I got ASPRunner. Also, one of the cool things about ASPRunner is that the compiled code is fairly editable. So I can add additional features to it that is not build into ASPRunner.

Maurice Caler
Web Developer

I launched a new version of a website that provides programs to developmentally disadvantaged adults. I was able to put together a series of linked php datagrids that have enabled me to sort all this out without having to just delete everything and make everybody start all over again. It sure would have taken me a lot longer if I had not had PhPRunner!

Alice Erickson

I tried out many php RAD programs (ranging from $39 to $2750 searching for the most beginner friendly yet powerful system to grow with. Having very little knowledge about what I was getting into, it was difficult to ask questions about these products without knowing the proper lingo and many of my inquiries were left completely unanswered-that is until I started my demo version of PHPRunner. From my very first inquiry to their support team till now (which has been easily over 100 posts to date) I have yet to ask for help on a particular piece of code that has taken longer than 24 hrs to respond.

Vince Puruczky

As a first time Dynamic web page programmer I spent a lot of time trying to make a web site that ASPRunner did in a few minutes. I passed the program to the person who was developing our web sytem to try and he was blown away by it's ease of use. This software has enabled us to bring our idea to completion at a record breaking pace. I cant praise this software high enough.

Peter James

After trying the product, it's ease of creating applications, impressed me immediately. The forum link is extremely helpful also.

Paulette Williams

I've found ASPRunner to be an excellent RAD tool for our web application design unit. We tested literally EVERY database oriented ASP generator we could find on the web, and ASPRunner was the head and shoulder choice. It has the advantage of having one of the best wizards, combined with generating good code, and importantly, professional looking web pages. The only other RAD tool in its league was three times the price, and does not allow you to go back and modify a project after it generates the ASP pages!

Jim Dutton

Got to tell you mate this program is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

As a photographer on the web who writes his own galleries etc, I use many programs but this PHP Runner has to be the most helpful software title in my stable of programs. Just makes life so easy for me.

Keep at it, but I do not know how you improve on such perfection.

Stephen Jones

Once again I must take a moment to praise your work. Having skipped a few updates, I recently upgraded to PHPRunner 5.1. I find that it has evolved into a unique, stable and surprisingly comprehensive tool, a quantum leap beyond previous versions.

Thank you for continuing to improve this exemplary product.

Ralph Dratman
Web developer

I bought this program because I saw in internet that you really support your users and because this product is good!!

Uwe Pfeiffer
Deutsche Telekom AG

Once again I want to tell you how impressive your software is. I am a computer applications teacher in the school so I don't know how much praise from me means to you. All I can tell you is that it is wonderful to find software that is easy to use and works so well.

Ian Roller

By the way, this program is great and has in just two days save our company over $4000.00 in outside programming work. We would have had to pay to this Orlando company, so I Thank you again, you make me a hero... Now I just hope they give me a raise. Hahah!!!

Gary Blakely
Florida Heart Center

I just wanted to say thank you. I had been struggling with converting a database from another format to Access to interface with our web site users. Having completed that task, I soon discovered that building a truly interactive web site for our users was beyond my current scope of least one that worked and made sense!!!

More... Needless to say, we purchased it immediately. You have developed a GREAT product and the price is VERY reasonable. Thanks again.

Matt Madden
Technical Support Group

I just wanted to let you know that my long association with ASPRunner and a recent massive Web I did for my company which is a cross-referencing drill-down of all our major tables has made me a hero and made a profound effect on my career in terms of possible enhancement.


I just wanted to take a moment to let you know that the ASPRunnerPro I used for the "" website has worked out very well! The clients are extremely pleased and have made me another offer for work on another website. I am very happy with it, and I may be interested in one or more of your templates. Your software is truly easy to use, and the integration into the website with my graphics was a powerful statement to my clients. Your support when I first installed the software was instrumental in the smooth adaptation to ASPRunnerPro. The generated code is neat and clean, making customization easy. Excellent software!

Phil Kiefer
Dogwoodweb, LLC

Having used the big blue computing companies supports, I have to say that Phprunner support can be one of the best in this world. Their patience in understanding of different cultural situation and quick response in providing advice are really incredible. The software is easy to master, integrate and most important of all, it provides brilliant solution to multi-languages. I have no reservation to recommend to any company or user.

Mr. Tommy F.K. Hui
Former Department Advisory Chairman and executive for Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

PHPRunner has been incredibly useful for constructing several web mapping applications on the Community Mapping Network. We have used it extensively in the past two years on every web atlas built for our ENGO partners. Linking SQL2008 (or Access) to Mapguide Enterprise with php would not have been possible without PHPRunner taking on the bulk of the coding. Based on our experience I would (& have) recommend it to others working on similar web projects.

Rob Knight
Community Mapping Network

The ease of use and the built in result exporting capabilities.

Joe Cuomo

Your product (and your TERRIFIC SUPPORT) did the trick for us, and no doubt saved us a great deal of time.

Greg Polen
Cinexis, LLC

I am very impressed and just wanted to say thanks. This program has allowed me to make $1000's of extra dollars and has saved huge amounts of time and headaches. Your program is what I have been looking for, for years.

Dan Turner
Web designer

I'm evaluating ASPRunner.Net and have to say how impressed I am. I've used Ironspeed Designer for a couple of years and find it clunky to use, the code generation is difficult to navigate and the DAL is too rigid.

ASPRunner.Net on the other hand uses SubSonic, which makes it extrememly easy to exend and modify the Controllers ... Great work.
