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Custom record update

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The CustomEdit event is executed before the data record is updated in the database. It is designed to replace the standard Edit procedure.


Use it when you do not want record to be updated in the table in question.


CustomEdit($values, $where, $oldvalues, $keys, $error, $inline, $pageObject)


Note: Field names are case-sensitive. If the field name is PlayerId, you should use $values["PlayerId"]. Note that $values["playerid"] or $values["PlayerID"] will not work.


Note: If the field was assigned an alias in the SQL query, then the $values array will get the alias instead of the field name from the database.

E.g., if you have an SQL query SELECT salesrep_id AS Inv_Salesrep ..., you should use $values["Inv_Salesrep"].



an array of values to be written to the database. To access a specific field value, use $values["FieldName"].


WHERE clause that points to the edited record. Example: ID=19.


array with existing field values. To access a specific column value, use $oldvalues["FieldName"].


an array of key column values that point to the edited record. To access a specific key column, use $keys["KeyFieldName"].


place the message to be displayed into this variable.


equals to true for the Inline Edit, false otherwise.


an object representing the current page. For more information, see RunnerPage class.

Return value

True: if you want the application to handle updating the record.


False: if you have updated the record with your code.

Applies to pages

Edit, Inline Edit.


Lets consider the situation when records are never edited directly in the main table (e.g. Cars).


Instead, records are added to the temporary TempCars table and then moved to the main Cars table once approved by admin.


In this case the following code in the CustomAdd event will do the job:


global $dal;
$tblTempCars = $dal->Table("TempCars");
return false;

See also:

How to control Inline Add/Edit functionality from script

Javascript API: InlineRow object

Choose pages screen

About SQLQuery class

About SQLQuery screen

Additional WHERE tabs

User group permissions

DAL method: Add()

Before record update

After record updated


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