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The ModifyMenuItem event is executed for each Menu item before the page is displayed in the browser. Use this event to modify or hide menu items.
a menu item object.
Return value
True: a menu item is shown.
False: a menu item is hidden.
Applies to pages
All pages with the Menu items.
gets the link type.
Note: The link types are: Internal (link to a page generated by ASPRunnerPro, e.g. List, Print etc.), External (link to any external web page), None (if menu item is not a link: for example, a group or separator).
gets the URL of an external link.
sets the URL of the link and makes it external.
gets the parameters of an internal link.
sets the parameters of an internal link. These parameters may be also set on the Choose page screen using the '...' button next to the List page.
Note: The parameters are a part of the link. E.g., if the parameters are foo=bar&bar=foo, the link is ...list.asp?foo=bar&bar=foo.
sets the title of the link.
gets the title of the link.
gets the table name that an internal link points to.
sets the table name.
gets the page type (List, Add, etc.).
sets the page type (List, Add, Search, Print, Report, Chart).
Adding parameters to a menu item
if menuItem.getLinkType() = "External" then
elseif menuItem.getLinkType() = "Internal" then
if menuItem.getTable() = "carsmake" then
end if
ModifyMenuItem = false
exit function
end if
ModifyMenuItem = true
Hide some menu items based on the group of the authorized user
If the menu item is a link to an internal application page, you can assign the table permissions.
However, if the menu item is an external link, you need to set the permissions directly in the Menu Item: Modify event.
if Session("GroupID")<>"manager" then
title = menuItem.getTitle()
if title="Yahoo Finance" then
ModifyMenuItem = false
exit function
end if
end if
ModifyMenuItem = true
Display a record counter next to each menu item
The code checks if the menu item is an internal table or view and adds the number of records to the menu item title.
if menuItem.getLinkType() = "Internal" and menuItem.getPageType() <> "WebReports" then
Set settings = (CreateClass("ProjectSettings",1,menuItem.getTable(),Empty,Empty,Empty,Empty,Empty,Empty))
table = settings.getOriginalTableName()
set rs=CustomQuery("select count(*) as c from " & AddTableWrappers(table))
menuItem.setTitle_p1(menuItem.getTitle() & " (" & rs("c") & ")")
end if
ModifyMenuItem = true
Hide some menu items in the Mobile mode
if menuItem.getTable() = "Cars" and MobileDetected() then
ModifyMenuItem = false
exit function
end if
ModifyMenuItem = true
Recommended predefined actions and sample events:
•Check to see if a specific record exists
See also:
•Save user data in session variables
•Events. Redirect to another page