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Working with Oracle databases

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If you need to work with Oracle databases, you need to download and install the Oracle Instant Client from this page:


You need to choose a 32 or 64-bit client version depending on ASPRunnerPro version installed on your computer.


If you are using MS Internet Information Services and the ASPRunnerPro wizard has successfully connected to the database, but when you run the generated app, it fails to connect to Oracle, the possible reason might be that an IIS user doesn't have access to the tnsnames.ora file.


The suggestion is to use the server:port/instance format when connecting to Oracle. Here is a sample tnsnames.ora file:


     (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
     (SID = AAINST)


Instead of using AADEV in ASPRunnerPro, use

See also:

Connecting to the database

Quick start guide