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Add a new Save button to Add/Edit pages

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Lets say we need to add a new Save to the Add or Edit page that saves the record and redirects the user back to the List page.



1. Add a new button to the Add or Edit page via Insert button function in Page Designer.


2. Add the following code to the ClientBefore event of the button:


pageObj.on('beforeSave', function(formObj, fieldControlsArr, pageObj){
 formObj.baseParams['golist'] = "1";
return false;


3. Add the following code to the AfterAdd event of the Add page or AfterEdit event of the Edit page:


if REQUEST("golist")<>"" then
 Response.Redirect "..._list.asp"
end if

See also:

Tri-part events

RunnerPage object

Insert Standard button. Add page

Insert Standard button. Edit page

Troubleshooting custom buttons

Insert custom button

How to enable/disable a button

Button object