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runner_mail function

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This function helps you to send an email in ASPRunner.NET.


To use it, you need to set up email parameters (From, SMTP server, SMTP server port, SMTP server username, SMTP server password) in the Email settings.





an array with input parameters. The following parameters are supported:

Email parameters


the sender's email address. If none is specified, an email address from the Email settings is used.


the sender's name.


the receiver's email address.


email addresses of secondary recipients.


email addresses of recipients whose addresses are not to be revealed to other recipients of the message.


the reply email address.


the message priority (use '1' for urgent, '2' - high, '3' - normal).


the plain text message body.


the html message body (do not use the 'body' parameter in this case).


the html message charset. If none is specified, the default website charset is used.


the description of the attachments. The 'path' (a path to the attachment) is required. Other parameters are optional: 'name' overrides the attachment name, 'encoding' sets the file encoding, 'type' sets the MIME type.

Return value

An array with the following keys:


mailed: (true or false) indicates whether the email was sent or not.

message: an error message in case the email was not sent.


Send simple email

string email = "";
string from = "";
string msg = "Hello there\n<b>Best regards</b>";
string subject = "Sample subject";
XVar result;
result = MVCFunctions.runner_mail(new XVar("to", email, "subject", subject, "body", msg, "from", from));

Send HTML email

string email = "";
string from = "";
string msg = "Hello there\n<b>Best regards</b>";
string subject = "Sample subject";
XVar result;
result = MVCFunctions.runner_mail(new XVar("to", email, "subject", subject, "htmlbody", msg, "from", from));

Example with error handling

string email = "";
string from = "";
string msg = "Hello there\nBest regards";
string subject = "Sample subject";
XVar result;
result = MVCFunctions.runner_mail(new XVar("to", email, "subject", subject, "body", msg, "from", from));
MVCFunctions.Echo("Error happened: <br>");

Send email with BCC and CC fields

string email = "";
string from = "";
string msg = "Hello there\n<b>Best regards</b>";
string subject = "Sample subject";
XVar result;
result = MVCFunctions.runner_mail(new XVar("to", email, "cc", "", "bcc", "test2@test.comu", "subject", subject, "body", msg, "from", from));

Send email with From and FromName fields

string email = ",,";
string message = "test";
string subject = "Sample subject";
string from = "";
string fromName = "Bill Gates";
MVCFunctions.runner_mail(new XVar("to", email, "subject", subject, "body", message, "fromName", fromName, "from", from));

Send email to multiple recipients

string email = ",,";
string message = "test";
string subject = "Sample subject";
MVCFunctions.runner_mail(new XVar("to", email, "subject", subject, "body", message));

Send email with attachments

string email = "";
string from = "";
string msg = "Hello there\nBest regards";
string subject = "Sample subject";
XVar attachments = XVar.Array();
// Attachments description. The 'path' is required. Others parameters are optional.
attachments = new XVar(
  0, new XVar("path", MVCFunctions.getabspath("files/1.jpg")),
  1, new XVar("path", MVCFunctions.getabspath("files/2.jpg"), "name", "image.jpg")) ;
XVar result;
result = MVCFunctions.runner_mail(new XVar("to", email, "subject", subject, "body", msg, "from", from, "attachments", attachments));
// You can manually overwrite SMTP settings
// result = MVCFunctions.runner_mail(new XVar("to", email, "subject", subject, "body", msg, "from", from, "attachments", attachments,
//    "host", "somehost", "port", 25, "username", "smtpUserName", "password", "password"));

Send email with new record data. Use this code in the After Add event.

string email = "";
string from = "";
string msg = "The new record was added: ";
string subject = "New record";
foreach(var field in values.GetEnumerator())
    msg.Append(field.Key.ToString() + " : " + field.Value.ToString() + "\r\n");
XVar result;
result = MVCFunctions.runner_mail(new XVar("to", email, "subject", subject, "body", msg, "from", from));

See also:

Email settings

Events: AfterAdd

runner_sms function

Event editor

About predefined actions

Dialog API

A complete guide to sending emails with a web based application

MassMailer template use case