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Menu Modify event

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This event is called before the menu is displayed. You can use it to add, delete and modify any menu item.


public XVar ModifyMenu(dynamic menu)




a RunnerMenu object.

Applies to pages

All pages where the menu appears

RunnerMenu object methods


addPageLink( label, table, pageType, parent = 0)

Adds menu link to a project page.

$label - menu element label

$table - table the page belongs to

$pageType - page type, like 'list', 'add', 'report', 'chart' etc.

$parent - id of the menu group element the new link should be added to. When 0, the new link is added to the menu root.

You can find the element id in the Menu Editor on the 'Edit element' dialog




Add a link to Cars table List page to the menu. Make the menu link open in new window



dynamic item = menu.addPageLink( "New Cars", "cars", "list" );
item.openNewWindow( true );



Returns new object of MenuItem class.


addURL( label, url, parent )


Adds a link to the menu.

$url - URL the new link should lead to.

$label - menu element label

$parent - id of the menu group element the new link should be added to. When 0, the new link is added to the menu root.

Returns new object of MenuItem class.


addGroup( label, parent )

Adds a menu group.

$label - menu element label

$parent - id of the menu group element the new link should be added to. When 0, the new group is added to the menu root.

You can find the element id in the Menu Editor on the 'Edit element' dialog

Returns new object of MenuItem class.



Add a group to the menu root and add new element to it:



dynamic group = menu.addGroup( "Links" );
menu.addURL( "Google", "", );



removeItem( $id )

$id - numeric menu item identifier

Deletes a menu element


getItem( $id )

$id - numeric menu item identifier

Get menu element.

Returns object of MenuItem class or null if no element found. The following screenshot explains how to see that menu item ID in ASPRunner.NET:






copyItem( $id, $parent = -1 )

Create a copy of a menu item

$id - id of the menu item to be copied

$parent - id of the menu group the new element should be added to. When -1, the new element is added to the same group where the source element is. When 0, the new element is added to menu root.


Returns object of MenuItem class.

Example 1


Add a menu group "Orders by customers" and add an entry to that group for each customer listing their orders from Orders table.




dynamic group = menu.addGroup( "Orders by customers" );
dynamic data;
dynamic rs = DB.Query("select * from customers");
while(data = rs.fetchAssoc())
menu.addURL( data["CustomerID"], "orders/list?q=(CustomerID~contains~" + data["CustomerID"] + ")" , );


See also:

Choose pages screen

Menu builder

Working with page elements

RunnerPage class: hideItem()

Datasource tables

Session keys

Save user data in session variables

Database API: Query()

Javascript API: toggleItem()

Events. Redirect to another page