The Before Display event is executed right before a page is displayed in the browser. Use this event to modify the value of any template variable or to define a new one.
public XVar BeforeShow(dynamic xt, dynamic pageObject)
a template engine object. Use xt.assign(name, val) to assign a value val to the variable name.
an object representing the current page. For more information, see RunnerPage class.
Applies to pages
List, Add, Print, Search, Export, Report, Chart, Login, Register, Password reminder, Change password, Menu.
To display some text on the List page:
1. Proceed to the Editor page.
2. Switch to HTML mode and find the line {END container_recordcontrols}. Add the following code right before it:
3. Add the following code to the BeforeDisplay event.
var str = "<b>Today is </b><i>" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "</i>";
xt.assign("sample_code", str);
Recommended sample events:
•Hide controls on Add/Edit pages, based on logged user name
See also: