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About RunnerPage class

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An object of the RunnerPage class represents the current page and is passed to the event as a pageObject parameter.





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Gets the current record.

Edit/View pages.


Gets the master record.

All pages.


Hides the field and field label.

BeforeDisplay event of the Add/Edit/View/Register pages.


Sets the variable to the given value. You may use this method to pass values ​​from  C#/VB.NET to JavaScript.

All pages.


Shows the previously hidden field and field label.

BeforeDisplay event of the Add/Edit/View/Register pages.


Hides the selected item.

After record processed event on the List and Print pages, Before display event.


Shows the previously hidden item.

After record processed event on the List and Print pages, BeforeDisplay event.


Returns the id of the current tab. This function can be used on any List, Print and Export page events.



Selects a tab to display. This event can be used in the Before process events on the List, Print and Export pages.


addTab() (deprecated)

Adds a tab to the additional WHERE tabs on the List or Chart page.

BeforeProcess event of the List or Chart page.

deleteTab() (deprecated)

Deletes the additional WHERE tab.

BeforeProcess event of the List or Chart page.

setTabTitle() (deprecated)

Sets the additional WHERE tab title.

BeforeProcess event of the List or Chart page.

setTabWhere() (deprecated)

Sets tab WHERE clause for the additional WHERE tab title.

BeforeProcess event of the List or Chart page.

See also:

JavaScript API: RunnerPage object

Additional WHERE tabs API

Choose pages screen

SQLQuery Screen: Additional WHERE tabs

Global events