>>  Version 11 is production ready!
Version 11 is production ready!
Sep 17, 2024
People often ask us, is version 11 production ready? We are proud to say that all show-stopper issues were fixed and we are at the point where version 11 apps can be developed and deployed to production. Most importantly, now you can store projects in your own database.

We have compiled a list of missing features and you can see for yourself. It is a long email again, we just wanted to share everything that was happening lately. 

1. Recent fixes
2. Coming soon
3. Multi-developer edition news
4. Mac/Linux version
5. Backup strategies
6. We need your feature suggestions
7. Corrie is back with video tutorials!
1. Recent fixes
- storing projects in your own database ( SQL Server, MySQL or Postgre ). More info and instructions.
- syntax highlighting and syntax checker in code editor. Please note that syntax checker verifies your code as you type it, no need to click 'Check syntax' button. 
- local fonts support
Detailed changelog. You can subscribe to this change log via email to be notified every time new build is posted. 
2. Coming soon
- Custom styles support
- Intellisense in code editor
- Checking if new build of the software is available at the startup
- Business templates support ( DocManager, Invoice, MassMailer etc)
- DB2, Informix support
- Desktop version of PHP app
- Multi-developer version ( mid October )
- Mac/Linux version ( end of the year )
- Custom styles for the wizard software itself. Dark theme, etc
- Search across all events
- Edit SQL Query - Edit JOINs
- 'Test it' in lookup wizard is not working
- Projects revisions with preview
- Export of project JSON files to a folder on a hard drive with every project save.
3. Multi-developer edition
It didn't feel right to work on multi-developer edition till version 11 is usable. Now we can dedicate all resources to this. We plan to have it available mid October. 

A few words about how it will work and licensing. There will be two primary options: 
- companies that already own multiple licenses
- individual developers who want to team up to work on the same project for a month or two

For companies, that already have three or more licenses of the software, this switch will be free of charge. Companies that own less than three licenses will need to purchase an extra license or two in order to get access to multi-developer edition. 

Individual developers will be able to purchase access to multi-developer edition on monthly basis. The pricing will depend on the number of supported developers and will be reasonable. 
4. Mac/Linux version
This is something that we will start working on right after multi-developer edition is released. Luckily, our whole new technical stack is multi-platform and we will definitely have it ready before the end of the year. 
5. Backup strategies
Since version 11 stores projects in the database we all need to figure out a new backup strategy. Here is what already can be done and what is coming soon. 
1. Export of the whole database with projects. We recommend to switch project storage to your own database first. The built-in Postgre database server only runs when our software is running and not very useful for automated backups. 
2. We will also add an option to export a project as a set of JSON files ( that can be imported back ) to a folder of your choice every time you save the project. If you select a folder that is under source control, you can commit it to repository and have a version control of your project. Most likely, we will also add an extra option to commit this set of files to SVN or Git automatically.
3. And there is going to be one more option. We already store revisions of all project  changes in the database, just need to add an UI to browse revisions. This can be an alternative for those who doesn't use source control systems. 
6. We need your suggestions!
For a year and a half we could add much features as all of our development resources were dedicated to switching to a new platform. Now it is the best time to remind us what new features you looking for. Even if you suggested something already, send it to us so we can pick the most requested suggestions.
Probably the best place to do so is Suggestions subforum
7. Corrie is back at it!
Corrie posted three new tutorials in a last few days and more is coming. Make sure to watch them on our YouTube channel