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Display your data in a visually appealing calendar format and easily share it with your co-workers. This versatile template offers yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily views, allowing you to seamlessly navigate through different timeframes. With support for recurrent events, whole-day events, and multi-day events, you can efficiently manage and track your schedule. The application also provides colored categories, enabling you to categorize and distinguish events based on their types. Experience the convenience of organizing both your busy work and family lives with shared online calendars.


Key Features:

- Customizable look and feel: Personalize the appearance of your calendar to match your style and preferences.

- Integration with existing databases: Seamlessly connect the calendar to your existing databases for smooth data integration.

- Yearly, Monthly, Weekly, Daily views: Easily switch between different calendar views to gain a comprehensive overview or focus on specific timeframes.

- Drag events from one calendar cell to another: Effortlessly move events across the calendar by simply dragging and dropping.

- Recurrent events, whole-day events: Set up recurring events or designate entire days for specific activities.

- Colored event categories: Categorize events using different colors to visually distinguish between various event types.

- Add/Edit/Delete events without leaving the list page: Manage your events efficiently without the need to navigate away from the list view.