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How to refresh the List page after editing in a popup

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By default, ASPRunner.NET updates the List page automatically with new data. However, if you perform some actions behind the scene like adding a new record in the AfterEdit event, you might need to refresh the List page manually.


To refresh the List page manually, add the following code to the List page: JavaScript OnLoad event:


this.on('afterInlineEdit', function( fieldsData ) {


To refresh the grid on the List page without reloading the page, use the following code in the JavaScript OnLoad event:


Note: the AJAX search, pagination and sorting option should be enabled (Choose pages -> List page settings).


Runner.runnerAJAX(Runner.pages.getUrl(pageObj.tName, pageObj.pageType)+"?a=return",
  function(respObj){, respObj)


If you need to use both snippets at the same time, add the following code to the List page JavaScript OnLoad event:


Note: the AJAX search, pagination and sorting option should be enabled (Choose pages -> List page settings).


window.listPage = pageObj;


And add the following code to the Edit page JavaScript OnLoad:


this.on('afterSave', function() {
var pageObj = window.listPage;
Runner.runnerAJAX(Runner.pages.getUrl(pageObj.tName, pageObj.pageType)+"?a=return",
function(respObj){, respObj)

See also:

JavaScript API: Control object > on()

JavaScript API: Control object

JavaScript API: RunnerPage object

Events: JavaScript OnLoad

AJAX-based Functionality

Choose pages screen

List page settings

JavaScript API