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Navigation: Using ASPRunner.NET > Page Designer > "Edit as" settings > File/Image > Upload to clould providers


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File upload to Dropbox


This article show how to configure ASPRunner.NET to upload files to Dropbox cloud storage.



Proceed to

App console -> Create App. After application is created copy App key and App secret to the corresponding fields in ASPRunner.NET


Add Redirect URIs. For local testing use:



For production use:  



Then proceed to the Permissions tab in the Dropbox App Console and add the following permissions:


Important note

After the project is built and published, open it in the web browser and proceed to any page of a table where cloud storage is used. You will be redirected to Dropbox's site to log in.Log in under the account that should be used to store the files. Then the application will save the credentials, and no further login will be needed.


The credentials are saved in \templates_c\dropbox.json file. If you need to change the Dropbox configuration and start storing files under a different account, delete that file, then close all browser windows to clear the session. Open any page where cloud storage is used in the browser again and log in to Dropbox using your new account.