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How to display data returned by stored procedure

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The following SQL Server stored procedure example returns data from the "test" table.


CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[test_proc]
SELECT * from test


1. Add the test table or any other table to the project.


2. Add the following code to the List page: CustomQuery event:


Set ListQuery=DB_Query( "EXEC test_proc" )


3. Add the following code to the List page: FetchRecords event:


doAssignmentByRef ListFetchArray,rs.fetchAssoc()


4. Add the following code to the ListGetRowCount event:


doAssignmentByRef ListGetRowCount, tDAL.DBLookup("select count(*) from test")

See also:

Database API:Query()

DAL method: DBLookup

QueryResult object: fetchAssoc()

Event: ListQuery

Event: ListFetchArray

Event: ListGetRowCount

How to execute stored procedures