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DAL method: FetchByID() (Deprecated)

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This function is deprecated, and we recommend using the DB:Select() function from Database API.


Selects one or more records from the database that matches the condition.




No arguments.

Return value

Returns the recordset on success or FALSE on error.


Select all records where ID is '32'. To fetch a returned row as an associative array, use the db_fetch_array function.


var tblUsers = GlobalVars.dal.Table("UsersTable");
tblUsers.Param["ID"] = 32;
XVar rs = tblUsers.FetchByID();
XVar data;
while(data = CommonFunctions.db_fetch_array(rs))


Note: the db_fetch_array function is deprecated, and we recommend using the fetchAssoc function instead.


The corresponding SQL query:


select * from carsusers where ID=32

See also:

QueryResult object: fetchAssoc

DAL method: DBLookup

DB API: Select

DB API: LastId

Database API

About Data Access Layer