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Data formatting

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The data is stored in a raw format in the database. For example, the Date type data is stored as yyyy-mm-dd. For pages like List, View, Print, you can customize data appearance by defining the View as settings in Page Designer.

Using the formatted data in events. ViewControl::Format function

If there is a need to use formatted data in events, for example, when sending emails to users, you can use the ViewControl.Format function.



ViewControl.Format(data, FieldName, TableName)



raw data to be formatted.


the field that contains the data to be formatted.


the name of the current table

Example 1

Using the ViewControl.Format function in the AfterAdd event:


MVCFunctions.Echo(values["Date Listed"] + "<br>");
MVCFunctions.Echo(ViewControl.Format(values,"Date Listed","Cars"));


The first line of the code sample displays raw data (e.g., 2014-10-15), the second one - the formatted data (US date format, e.g., 10/15/2014).

Example 2

If you need to use this function in button's server code (where you do not have access to values array) this is what you can do. This will work with the button added to View/Edit pages or with the button button inserted into the grid:


dynamic data = button.getCurrentRecord();
dynamic dateListed = ViewControl.Format(data, "Date Listed","Cars");


This function can also be used for a Lookup wizard field. In this case, raw data is stored in the Link field, and the ViewControl.Format function displays the values of the Display field.

See also:

Button object: getCurrentRecord()

"View as" settings

"Edit as" settings: Lookup wizard

Events: AfterAdd