Add a dropdown list box with specific values.
For example, select a car make name from the dropdown list box, and make it so that only the data for the selected car make is displayed.
Insert C#/VB.NET code snippet on the Page Designer screen to do so:
//create a dropdown box
string str= "<select style='width: 150px; display: inline-block;' class='form-control' onchange=\"window.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;\"><option value=\"\">Please select</option>";
//select values from the database
string strSQL = "select Make from cars";
dynamic rs = DB.Query(strSQL);
XVar data;
while(data = rs.fetchAssoc())
str = str + "<option value='../carscars/list?q=(Make~equals~"+data["Make"].ToString()+")'>"+data["Make"].ToString()+"</option>";
str = str + "</select>";
See also: