Email templates are designed to send templated emails. Instead of messing with email text in your events you can define email template and send personalized emails with a couple lines of code.
Email templates
To add a new email template proceed to the Editor screen and add a new file under Custom Files. Add your email text or HTML there. The first line of email template is email subject, the rest is email body. And what makes it a template - there are placeholders like %quantity% that will be replaced with the actual values when template is sent.
Take a look at the email template we use in our shopping cart.
Xlinesoft order %invoice_number%: %item%
Date: %date%
Order Number: %invoice_number%
Product Title: %item%
Quantity: %quantity%
Unit Price: %item% US$ %price%
Total: US$ %total%
First: %first%
Last: %last%
Company Name:
Email Address: %buyer_email%
This is where you need to add in in the ASPRunner.NET.
Now to send an email based on this template from the event like AfterAdd is as simple as this:
CommonFunctions.sendEmailTemplate( "", "reminder.txt", values, false );
sendEmailTemplate Syntax
CommonFunctions.sendEmailTemplate( toEmail, filename, values, isHtml );
an email address where email will be sent
file name of the template
an array with the actual values to replace placeholders
if true, send an HTML email. If false, send a plain text email.
Send a plain text email from event like AfterAdd
In event like AfterAdd or AfterEdit all field values are already stored in values array so we can send our email using a single line of code.
CommonFunctions.sendEmailTemplate( values["email"], filename, values, false );
Send an HTML email from event like AfterAdd
In event like AfterAdd or AfterEdit all field values are already stored in values array so we can send our email using a single line of code.
CommonFunctions.sendEmailTemplate( values["email"], filename, values, true );
Send a plain text email from from button's code
Lets consider a more interesting example. For instance we have added a button to the List page where you can select a few users and send each one a personalized reminder.
XVar data = XVar.Array();
XVar record;
string email;
while(record = button.getNextSelectedRecord()) {
data.InitAndSetArrayItem(record["buyer_info"], "buyer_info");
data.InitAndSetArrayItem(record["invoice_number"], "invoice_number");
email = record["buyer_email"];
CommonFunctions.sendEmailTemplate(email, "reminder.txt", data, false);
See also: